Where social media pros get better. 


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Surround yourself with a private community of the best social media pros.


Everyone thinks they know how to do social and the industry lacks a hub of vetted experts to network with and learn from. 

At the big conferences, you're probably getting more value from the people next to you, not in front of you. You don't want to hear from the CMO of a trendy tech company talking about the future impacts of AI.

You want to chat with a social media pro who is in the trenches doing exciting things and has takeaways that will help you with your job today.

This... is Social Studies.

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What we're about:

Conversation 💬

We believe a social pro at a local nonprofit has so much to teach a social pro at an NBA team... and vice versa.

We ensure that every member is contributing to and learning from the community.

Expertise 🤓

We screen every applicant because we'd rather have 100 experts than 100,000 people with an opinion.

This ensures a positive ROI for every member.

Events 🗓️

Regular conversations from people you actually want to hear from.

Our community is built bywith, and for, real social media pros.

Diversity 🌎

We have members across industries, niches and backgrounds.

Our members are freelancers, entrepreneurs, Fortune 100 employees, and agencies.

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Brands represented in Social Studies:

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Past Events:

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Together > Alone

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